Lee Dowling
My own first hand personal experiences of fat loss and dramatic change in lifestyle is what I base everything around, I understand what people have to go through to lose the weight and the difficulties they face. More importantly I know it’s achievable. I see myself as a “normal” person by this I mean I have a wife, children and Labrador to entertain (so my life is busy) before I even think about work and going to the gym. I’m house chef so I can appreciate the hassles involved in cooking different meals for the whole family. Everything I ask my clients to do I’ve tried and tested on myself. My nutrition guide is what I eat in my life, the training methods I use are the same training methods I work out to, and so I know they work.
I’ve always played sport, from football to squash and I always used to think I was fit and healthy, and then I got on the scales one day over the Christmas break and thought Jesus! How did that happen? (For the record I don’t do scales anymore). Time to do something about it, I’ve since realised I was a porker and my idea of being healthy and fit was ridiculous. I’m now in the best shape I’ve ever been and learnt a ridiculous amount along the way. Over the past 3 years I have taken part in several 10k runs, done loads of obstacle and mud runs, ran half marathon’s, completely changed my lifestyle, my eating habits and the way I exercise and just generally feel good!
Because of my experiences I decided that I needed to get qualified as a personal trainer with premier global and use my qualification and experience to help other people achieve their goals and change their lives for the better.
- Level 3 diploma in personal training
- Level 2 diploma in fitness instructing
- Level 3 diploma in sports massage
- Level 2 in emergency first aid
- Level 2 kettle bell instructor
- Level 2 in circuit training
- Boxercise advanced instructor
- NASAM Youth exercise specialist
- Fully insured